
At Venus Concept Canada Corp., we are committed to doing all we can to respect the core principles of accessibility legislation: dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. We will incorporate these principles into our policies, procedures, training and best practices. Our aim is that all Ontarians can access our services and information when and how they need them, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. 

Ensuring our operations are accessible and barrier-free is a shared effort. As an organization, we are dedicated to working with the people of Ontario to make accessibility for everyone a reality. 

Send Feedback or Make a Request 

Accessibility Documents

For information about our accessibility policy and plan, please download the following documents:

Multi -Year AODA Accessibility Plan

Workplace Accessibility Standards Policy

Accessible Customer Service Policy

We welcome and appreciate comments about our services, including feedback on how we can improve the way we serve people with disabilities. You can send your feedback in several ways:

Call us at 1-888-907-0115 extension 158 

Email us at 

Visit us in person or send mail to:

235 Yorkland Blvd., Suite 900
Toronto, Ontario 

M2J 4Y8


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