A purple and pink letter v on a white background.

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Phone: 877 226 0510

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Phone: (888) 907-0115 (Select Option 1)

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A purple and pink striped background with different shades of pink.
A black and white gradient background with a gray border.
A purple glowing circle on a white background.

We'd love to hear from you!

Thank you for your interest in Venus. Please fill out the form below and one of our representatives will contact you as soon as possible.

Local Office Contact Information

Local Office

235 Yorkland Blvd., Suite 900 Toronto, ON M2J 4Y8 Canada
Phone: (888) 907-0115
Fax: (855) 907-0115
General Email Inquiries:
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Venus head office map image

Venus Offices Worldwide

The Americas

The canadian flag is in a circle with a maple leaf in the middle.

Head Office

235 Yorkland Blvd., Suite 900
Toronto, ON M2J 4Y8

Phone: (888) 907-0115
Fax: (855) 907-0115
Email: info@venus.ai

The american flag is in a circle on a white background.

Venus U.S. - Florida

4001 SW 47th Ave, Suite 206
Davie, FL 33314
United States

Phone: (888) 907-0115
Email: info@venus.ai

The american flag is in a circle on a white background.

Venus U.S. - San Jose

1800 Bering Drive
San Jose, CA 95112
United States

Phone: (888) 907-0115

The mexican flag is in a circle on a white background.

AV. General Pablo Gonzalez
No. 500. 4to piso, Col. San Jeronimo,
Nuevo Leon 64640

Phone: (800) 953 1928

The flag of colombia is in a circle on a white background.

Venus Colombia

Calle 123 No.7-57 Oficina 602
Edificio Kaiwa
Bogotá, Colombia

Phone: (800) 953 1928

The flag of argentina is in a circle on a white background.

Galicia 1627, C1406 CABA,

Phone: (800) 953 1928

Asia & Pacific

A red circle with a yellow star in the middle on a white background.

Room 1506, Ginza Block,
Yong Feng Plaza,
No 98 South Wan Ping Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai, 200030, China

Email: info.ch@venusconcept.com

A red circle with a white flower on it.

Units 2608-9, 26/F, Prosperity Place,
6 Shing Yip Street,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HK

Phone: ( 852) 315-22330
Fax: ( 852) 315-22339
Email: info.hk@venusconcept.com

A red circle in the middle of a white circle on a white background.

#805 Okada Bld., 1-16-17,
Morinomiyachuo, Chuo-ku,
Osaka 540-0003

Phone: 81-6-6910-4371
Fax: 81-6-6910-4366
Email: info.jp@venusconcept.com

A red circle in the middle of a white circle on a white background.

6F Daiichi Zao Bld., 2-3-4,
Bakuro-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo, 103-0002

Phone: 81-3-3668-0806
Fax: 81-3-3668-0807

A close up of a korean flag on a white background.

201ho, 6-9, Baekjegobun-ro 39-gil
Seoul, 05616
Republic of Korea

Phone: 02-540-8864

Email: south@venus.ai

The flag of australia is in a circle on a white background.

Suite 3.06, Level 3/20 Rodborough Road
Frenchs Forest
NSW 2086

Phone: +61 416 022 096
Email: info.au@venusconcept.com


The flag of spain is in a circle on a white background.

Calle De Salcedo, 10, 28034,
, Spain

Phone: +34 622 129 878
Email: info.esp@venusconcept.com

A german flag in a circle on a white background.

Am Kronberger Hang 8 / L3
65824, Schwalbach am Taunus

Phone: +49 (0) 6196 9527666 
Email: info.de@venusconcept.com

A british flag in a circle on a white background.

Unit 2A Betlow Farm Industrial Estate, Station Road
Long Martson, HP23 4QZ

United Kingdom

(0)208 748 2221

Africa and Middle East

The flag of israel is in a circle with a star of david on it.

Venus Israel - Tel Aviv

Ze'ev Jabotinsky street, 
9 Bnei Brak, Tel Aviv,
Israel 5126418

Phone: (972) 3-6075324
Email: info.il@venusconcept.com

The flag of israel is in a circle with a star of david on it.

Yokneam Office

1 Hamelacha St.
Yokne’am Illit,
Israel 2069812

Phone: (972) 3-6075324
Email: info.il@venusconcept.com

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