Hair loss, though common, tends to be more distressing for both men and women than other aesthetic concerns. Because good hair is associated with physical attractiveness, youth, virility, and even job performance, hair loss packs a punch emotionally and aesthetically. That ’ s why Venus Concept is committed to innovating the best in hair restoration technologies so that you can help your patients get back their full, natural-looking head of hair. With our hair restoration devices, you ’ re not only restoring hair; you ’ re restoring confidence. Read on to learn about the current state of the hair restoration market and the cutting-edge technologies your clinic can leverage to become a leading provider of this increasingly popular procedure.
Hair loss is incredibly common, affect ing more than 80 million people in the U.S. alone , or approximately 50 million men and 30 million women. For about 25% of American men, the balding process begins in their 20s, and almost 85% will experience noticeable hair loss by their 50s. With an aging population, it ’ s no surprise that hair restoration is a growing market that continues to attract a larger customer base each year. Additionally, the average age of patients seeking hair restoration surgery for the first time is getting younger every year , with approximately 45% of f irst-time patients between 26 and 45 years old . This market is large and complex, but most importantly, it represents a wide range of patients. The total market for hair restoration treatments has increased 16% since 2016 and it is now a $4.9 billion industry. Last year alone, over 700,000 procedures were performed worldwide.
Traditional transplant procedures , such as manual Follicular Unit Extraction, are invasive, leave a linear scar, and incur significant downtime. Newer technologies give clinicians the advantage by delivering better results faster, with reduced in-clinic costs and training time. A recent census uncovered that providers overwhelmingly favored advanced modalities for hair restoration, such as motorized FUE and the robotically-assisted FUE technique for efficiency and superior patient satisfaction. Bringing Venus Concept ’ s advanced technology to your clinic allows you to perform hair restoration procedures that leave no visible linear scar, are minimally invasive , and enable patients to return to their routine within the week .
ARTAS iX ® , the world ’ s only Robotic Hair Restoration System , sets the new standard for hair transplantation using cutting -e dge technologies in r obotics , m achine v ision , a rtificial intelligence , and m achine learning . The device utilizes state-of-the-art robotic and artificial intelligence (AI) technology to deliver natural-looking hair restoration results , offer ing precis ion harvesting and implantation functionality in one compact platform.
The system ’ s advanced technologies i ntelligently analyze and select grafts from the donor area with no risk of linear scaring using a Multi-Camera Stereoscopic Vision System with 44-micron resolution and 7-axis robot arm that p rotects existing terminal hair, maintaining a natural appearance in the donor and implantation areas. Enhanced 3D Pre-Operative Planning a ccurately identifies optimal grafting and recipient sites , enabl ing physicians to customize each hairline design and manage patient expectations accordingly. The compact and streamlined ergonomic design minimize s the footprint and facilitates clinical efficiency.
NeoGraft ® ’ s revolutionary automated Follicular Unit Extraction e liminates the inefficiencies of manual procedures w ith advanced technology that enab les physicians to offer superior hair transplants with consistent clinical outcomes. NeoGraft ® ’ s state-of-the-art technologies include an i ntuitive touchscreen with graphical user interface , p neumatic motor and smart drive torque technology , and IoT capabilities for comprehensive data collection.
Both of our leading devices are supported by VERO Hair™ to ensure you get the training, marketing, and business expertise you need to succeed in the lucrative hair restoration market. To learn more about ARTAS iX ® or NeoGraft ® and to bring their advanced technology to your clinic, speak to us today.
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Body Devices
Body Treatments
Face & Skin Devices
Face & Skin Treatments
Hair Restoration Devices
Hair Removal Devices
For more information call: (888) 907-0115 // // 235 Yorkland Blvd., Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2J 4Y8 Canada
For more information call: (888) 907-0115 // // 235 Yorkland Blvd., Suite 900, Toronto, ON M2J 4T8 Canada